How to pray God's way


You are more likely to follow the right path when you approach your journey with the end in mind. Today we talk about the journey of learning to pray God's way.

To do that, we must first see the big picture. The picture God has of things. His heavenly perspective. 

But how do we go about doing that? You don't have to feel your way through darkness any longer. God has provided us with the "how-to".

As a model, Jesus was and is still the best. Let's follow in His footsteps. He is the Master.  Therefore, the best place to start is sitting at the Master's feet.  

Jesus said in John 5.19, "Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner ".  

Jesus needed to see; shouldn't we also?

It was only possible for Jesus to say this through a very close relationship with Father, a communication-filled relationship. That is what prayer is: two-way communication with God.  

Only by talking AND listening to a person can one discover what he or she wants or needs. That's where most people have a problem - they are good at talking, but listening! Not at all.  

Let me give it to you straight - keep your mouth shut when you listen. Be still.  Wait ... until He speaks. And then wait some more.

It's about SEEING and WAITING.  To be able to see, we must first learn to wait!


God knows everything.  He wants to reveal to us what is going on behind the scenes. 


1. God wants to be part of our prayer lives.  

It was never His intention for us to suffer aloneHe longs to hear us reach out to Him in times of joy and sorrow. He desires to be our comfort and strength when we are weak. 

He listens and answers our prayers with love and grace. Even when we feel alone, we are never lonely, because He promised to be with us every step of the way.

That's why He sent Holy Spirit to help us, even in our prayer lives! (Rom 8.26) If you've missed it I want to encourage you to read the previous post, Are you still praying boring prayers.

2. Each time you pray, you are actually joining a group prayer meeting!  

You are joining Holy Spirit, as well as Jesus Christ Himself!  

Rom 8.34, Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. 

How many times do we try and convince God to do things, versus entering into HIS prayer group and joining HIM? 

God knows the big picture. We don't. 

It's like two people driving a car, with God in the driver's seat and us in the passenger's seat. God is driving with a GPS, but we are giving Him directions! He knows the destination while we are only familiar with the road in front of us. 

We need to follow HIM, not expect Him to follow us!

3. Wait on God to reveal things. 

He knows what spiritual hindrances and demonic activities stand in our way and what you should do about them.

No one knows your heart better than He does.  He knows all your hopes and dreams and what is best for you. He will always lead you in the right direction if you wait for Him to show you the way. He will provide clarity and peace when you need it, and He will reveal the right path for you to take.

His guidance will include when and where to pray, as well as what to concentrate on while praying. But He won't tell you what to wear when you pray. That's up to you!😀

It is only through praying God's way that things are actually accomplished!

4. We must learn to pray WITH Holy Spirit, and not expect Him to pray with us.  

Herein lies the difference between list prayers and prophetic prayers.  List prayers are more focused on asking for material things, whereas prophetic prayers focus on asking for spiritual things. 

The purpose of prayer is to create a connection with God and to get closer to Him. It isn't just to fulfil religious duties. 

It is our desire to see a difference in the world and in our circumstances that drives us to pray. But to pray effectively, we need His guidance.

5. To see the big picture we must set aside our own ways of doing, and follow His leading and guidance. 

This can be a difficult process but is necessary to achieve a greater understanding. Our commitment to seeing the Big Picture and to pray how God leads us, is sure to bring us to a place of spiritual breakthrough.

Submit to God. Submit to His Word. 

It might be very helpful to pray the prayer in Ephesians 1.18, "...that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened ...". 

We can only do this if we allow Him to reshape our hearts and minds. When this happens, we will be able to look at the world through His eyes and act according to His will.

To do this, we must be humble and willing to listen to God's voice. We must be open to learning and willing to change our perspective. 

He will show us the path.

6. Big picture seeing refers to having a divine connection with God as well as receiving His revelation. 

It is God's desire to reveal mysteries to us. 

  • God desires for us to know and understand the mysteries of His love, grace, and mercy
  • He wants to open our eyes to the spiritual truths and realities that He has created and established for us. 
  • He wants us to know Him better and to experience His presence.

Spending time with Him is the key to achieving that. For instance, Jesus often spent entire nights in prayer to His Father, seeking Him and His will for His life and ministry. 

We should seek to do the same, praying and spending time with Him. It is by reading the Bible and meditating on God's word, that our lives are touched and transformed. 

Ultimately, it is through this intimate relationship with Him that we can gain the strength and courage to live out His will.

Since God is spirit, He speaks to us through our spirits.  Because we are spiritual beings, we have a connection to God that transcends physical boundaries. 

This connection allows us to hear the voice of God in our hearts and minds, and to be guided and directed by Him in our daily lives.  

The Bible teaches that the Spirit of God lives in us and helps us understand God's will. As a result, we can experience God's presence and guidance directly through our spirits.


  • We're talking about spiritual seeing.

  • Don't focus on outward things.  Focus on your heart.  Hear with your heart.  See with your heart.

  • That might include the following, among others:  a thought coming up, a picture in your mind, a vision you see, something you unexpectedly remember, a scripture verse or song coming up in your memory, a person's face, and so forth.

  • Once you "see", ask Holy Spirit to help you pray.  Start to worship Him.  Start to praise Him.

  • If you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, start praying in your heavenly language.

  • While keeping your focus on Jesus, start praying for the thoughts that come up in your heart.

I trust this could help you today. 
Look out for our next post with a couple more insights.  

Keep up the good fight.  Pray without ceasing.

God loves you!

Until next time...

Stef Espag


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